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GO-Global for Finance Solutions is a server-based, thin-client solution that eliminates the need for Citrix MetaFrame or Windows Terminal Services. It is optimized for reliable, secure, scalable application delivery to virtually any network-attached device, regardless of platform or operating system. GO-Global is a complete application deployment solution that is integrated  with Finance Solutions Banking application.

GO-Global Features
Network, remote dial-up, and remote Web accessibility.
GO-Global provides access to 32-bit and 64-bit Windows-based applications from GO-Global Servers via the network, remote dial-up, or through Web access. This is managed through the Cluster Manager, and is transparent to the end user.

Cross-platform compatibility.
GO-Global provides access to any Windows application from virtually any client platform. Applications can be run from desktop computers such as
Macintosh, Windows, and Linux—allowing users to work in their preferred computing environments. Windows-based applications deployed through GO-Global look, feel, and function as if they were running on a Windows operating system, regardless of the client platform.

Client printing.
GO-Global provides transparent access to client-side printers and produces
printed output with the highest quality possible. In most cases, GO-Global will determine the list of printers installed on the client computer, along with the printer driver and port for each client printer. If a printer driver is not installed on the server, GO-Global will attempt to automatically install the driver. If a driver cannot be automatically installed, users can configure printer drivers using the Program Window’s Client Printer Wizard.

Client File Access.
GO-Global supports seamless integration of client drives, including floppy, CD-ROM, hard disk, and mapped network drives. This allows users to access files stored on the client computer and to save files locally.

Server Monitoring.
GO-Global provides real-time monitoring of individual GO-Global Servers, control of individual clients and processes, and logout and shutdown for individual users.

User Roaming.
Internal and remote users can log on to a GO-Global Server from any client workstation.

Session Reconnect.
With session reconnect enabled, GO-Global maintains client sessions on
the server without a client connection. If a user deliberately disconnects from the server, or if the client’s connection is lost due to network problems, the user’s session and applications remain running on the server for the length of time specified by the administrator.

Universal Printer Driver.
The Universal Printer Driver allows users that have a PDF viewer
such as Adobe Reader installed on their computers to print to any client printer.

System Requirements
GO-Global Server
The GO-Global Server requires one of the following Windows operating systems:
Windows Server 2008 Standard or Enterprise with Service Pack 1
Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise Edition with Service Packs 1 and 2
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard or Enterprise Edition
Windows XP Professional with Service Packs 2 and 3

Where applicable, these platforms are supported with or without the Security Rollup Package.
GO-Global Administrators must have administrative rights on the server to perform the installation, and the server must have TCP/IP as a network protocol.
A Web Server (e.g., Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) or Apache HTTP Server) must be available in order to set up the server for browser deployment of GO-Global.
The color depth of the client and server must be greater than 256 — 16 million or greater is recommended.
The Memory and CPU requirements of a GO-Global Server are determined by the applications that are published and the number of users accessing the system. In general, a GO-Global Server can support 12 “heavy” users/500 MHz CPU and 25 “light” users/500 MHz CPU. (“Heavy” is defined as a user running one or more large applications with continuous user interaction. “Light” is defined as a user running one application with intermittent user interaction.)
GO-Global supports a maximum round-trip latency of 500 milliseconds.

GO-Global Clients
Users can connect to a GO-Global Server from any computer that supports a GO-Global client.

It eliminate the use multiple servers and saves the organization the cost of servers acquisitions.
It enable access to the Finance Solutions application from any internet connections from your cash centres or branches.
Its security does not allow unauthorized users.

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